Silent Runes
Silent runes and arabesque
Tell a story Kafkaesque
Of a riverman
When the river dried
A doorman
When the doors closed
A clergyman
When lies arrived
A swordsman
When they won
A spokesman
And lied some more
An everyman.
Silent runes and arabesque
Tell a story Kafkaesque
Of found treasures
And lost souls
And lost years
And found cares
Of a weak heart
That he bares
Only to find
Hidden snares
That decorate his nightmares.
Silent runes and arabesque
Tell a story Kafkaesque
I went in search
Of mountains picturesque
Only to find
A caricature, burlesque
Houses of mud
Feigning Romanesque
It was me, my eye
All the time
Me, the grotesque.
~ MZ/MK, Canto 118, Zamanama, 1783